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At Springmont, we’re proud of our school and like to share the accomplishments of our students, alumni, faculty, and staff. Here you’ll find information about Springmont, including recent school news, articles about our curriculum, and other interesting items.  For additional press or media information, please contact Julie Strickland or 404.252.3910.


The Springmont Parent Association Meets this Friday!

September 05, 2023
By Julie Strickland

The first meeting of the Springmont Parent Association (SPA) is this Friday, September 8, beginning at 8:45 a.m. in the Pavilion. All families are automatically members of SPA and, as such are invited to attend! On this month’s agenda:

  • Springmont Festival & Montessori Mile (Oct 14) planning
  • 60th Anniversary Auction (Apr 13) planning
  • Update regarding class gifts to Teachers and Assistants
  • Other volunteer opportunities!

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet up with some other parents and hear about these events and how to get involved!

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