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Primary & Elementary Class Observations begin Feb 11!

January 23, 2025
By Julie Strickland

Primary & Elementary parents are invited to observe in their child(ren)'s current classrooms! Parent observations provide an authentic glimpse of your child’s day – his/her friends, teacher, environment, and learning – both academic and social/emotional. Observations are also a great way for parents to learn more about Montessori. 

Spring Observations will be independent (unguided), but parents may email Toddler/Primary Division Head Cara Friedline, Elementary Division Head Patricia Jordan, or their child's Teacher with any questions. Teachers and Assistants will remain focused on the students and will likely not engage in conversation with parents during this time. Likewise, students will be encouraged to continue their normal routines.

  • Click the link in Springmont Weekly News to select your preferred timeslot. Time slots are available 9:00-9:30 and 9:30-10:00, and dates vary by class. Please select a time and date to observe in your child's current classroom. If you would like to observe at another academic level, please email Andrea Restifo.
  • To make sure all families have an opportunity to observe, each child's parents are asked to select and share ONE timeslot per classroom.  
  • As parking is very limited, we ask that parents make every effort to bring just one vehicle to campus. 
  • Parents are asked to arrive promptly.  We will not be able to extend your 30-minute timeslot for late arrival. 
  • All SignUps for the following school day will be closed/locked at 3 p.m. on the school day prior to the Observation.  
  • Upon arrival on campus, please park in a space across from the Pavilion and come to the Front Office to check in.

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