Join Us for Denim & Diamonds, Springmont's 60th Anniversary Auction!
Dear Springmont Families,
I hope this message finds you well and filled with excitement for the upcoming Denim & Diamonds, Springmont's 60th Anniversary Auction! My name is Andrew Gentles. My wife and I are parents of two beautiful girls at Springmont (Drew and Emery). We have been a part of the Springmont community since relocating from Washington DC just two years ago, with me serving as a Trustee and my wife as a Room Parent. We are proud of the continued work by Springmont that ensures our kids get the best education and the continuous striving for excellence to add even greater value to our children's experience.
As a Trustee and Chair of the Board's Development Committee, I am calling on you to help and support the school's 60th Anniversary Auction by purchasing a ticket. Please click the link to purchase your ticket today!
This is a special event that not only celebrates a significant milestone in our school's history but also provides an opportunity to support the school's mission via tuition assistance for families and enhancements that benefit the entire school community. Many of us have and continue to navigate the challenges of life - being a parent, working all the time, or dealing with personal challenges that test our resilience and strength. Having had the chance to make new friends through our kids since moving from DC and to witness the emotional growth in our kids, this is a community that I encourage you all to support and continue to invest in.
Your ticket purchase is not only a contribution to the success of our fundraising efforts but also a show of your commitment to our school's mission and values. Your presence at the auction will make a difference, and we truly hope to see you there. Together, we can make this auction a memorable and successful event for our school community.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Springmont. We look forward to celebrating with you at Denim & Diamonds, Springmont's 60th Anniversary Auction!
Warm regards,
Dr. Andrew Gentles and the Gentles Family
Trustee and Chair of Springmont's Development Committee
Click here to buy your tickets TODAY!
The project pictured here, "Tiny Mosaics," was made by Rebecca's Primary Class! Students used beautiful shades of blue to paint ceramic tiles that were then arranged on a metallic blue backdrop and framed in a white shadowbox, This would look lovely in any home, but you'll have to attend in order to place the winning bid!
3 days ago