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Greetings from our new SPA Co-Chairs!

July 08, 2024
By Springmont Parent Association

Dear Springmont Families,

Welcome to all new families, and welcome back to our returning families! We are writing to introduce ourselves as your Springmont Parent Association (SPA) C0-Chairs. We are excited for this great honor to serve the Springmont community and hope to continue the amazing work that Elizabeth and Kristin have done over the last two years!

  • Steve Little has Carter, who will begin his final year in Ms. Destiny’s Primary class, and Eli, who has completed the Toddler program and will be starting his first Primary year with Ms. Rinku this school year. 
  • Caro Werner has Uma in Upper Elementary in Mariana’s class. 

Our objective as SPA Co-Chairs is to build community by helping to connect parents/guardians and recruiting parent volunteers for various school events and faculty/staff appreciation opportunities. In order to meet our objective, we need everyone's participation. We want each of you to feel a connection to our unique community. So, whether you have only 30 minutes or a couple of hours, your ideas, time, talents, and voices are truly needed and appreciated. There are endless ways in which you can contribute.

The best way to stay up to date is to follow the Springmont Parent Association Facebook group. This Facebook page is not affiliated with the official Springmont Facebook page but is a forum where parents can connect, share resources, ask questions, etc. 

We have a busy schedule of events for the 2024-25 school year, so keep an eye out for our next email when we will provide more details about these as well as the dates and times of this year’s SPA meetings.

We thank you in advance for all the support you offer our great school and ask that you not hesitate to ask us any questions; if we don’t know the answers, we will happily point you to someone who will.

We’re going to have a great school year!


Steve Little and Caro Werner

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