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Board of Trustee Update

August 19, 2024
By Will Johnson, Board Chair

Welcome (or Welcome Back) to Springmont! After a rejuvenating summer break, the Board of Trustees gathered on August 10 in our annual fall retreat to plan for the year. The unique volunteer role of Trustee is focused on the long-term viability and success of Springmont. We’re here to pay it forward. And we’re hiring volunteers! Please read on for details on how you can help shape the future of the school. Building on the success of Springmont’s 60th year, we’re excited for all that lies ahead.
The energizing retreat featured educational big-picture planning, board operational planning, and co-planning events for the year with Head of School Elizabeth Lener. The Board confirmed committee members and approved Springmont’s operating budget for 2024-25. The highlight was a fun campus tour to see all the summer facilities improvements (funded through support from Springmont families like yours)! We also enjoyed catching up with Franklin (one of our resident turkeys) and our other campus critters. 

In the weeks ahead, you’ll see us act in the following ways: 

  • Launch a Strategic Planning process this fall to engage the entire school community
  • Decide target Springmont Annual Fund capital investments and our yearly development plan
  • Invite non-Trustee volunteers to join Board committees

Our committees rely on great non-Trustee members to help make all this happen. Board committees benefit from the expertise of a wide range of skills - marketing experts, construction professionals, engineers, lawyers, HR leaders, medical/dental professionals, insurance experts, IT consultants, development and fundraising pros, entrepreneurs, educators, and parents - we need your help, and this list is not exhaustive.  Your efforts and skills will be greatly valued, and we are grateful for your gift of time. If you’d like to learn more about serving with the Board, we’re happy to connect for a chat. Contact me or Vice Chair Aarati Subramaniam to learn more…or come say hi at Opening Night!

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