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At Springmont, we’re proud of our school and like to share the accomplishments of our students, alumni, faculty, and staff. Here you’ll find information about Springmont, including recent school news, articles about our curriculum, and other interesting items.  For additional press or media information, please contact Julie Strickland or 404.252.3910.


Announcing Head of School Coffees

September 05, 2023
By Julie Strickland

Parents/guardians are invited to join Head of School Elizabeth Lener for coffee and conversation!  This is a great opportunity to connect with other parents, hear more about what's in store for the 2023-24 school year, and get to know Elizabeth better. Even if you can only stay for a few minutes, we hope you will attend. There's no need to RSVP. 

Toddler & Primary: Thursday, September 14, 8:45 a.m.
Elementary & Middle School: Tuesday, September 19, 8:45 a.m. 

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