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At Springmont, we’re proud of our school and like to share the accomplishments of our students, alumni, faculty, and staff. Here you’ll find information about Springmont, including recent school news, articles about our curriculum, and other interesting items.  For additional press or media information, please contact Julie Strickland or 404.252.3910.


Alumni Spotlight: Meet Owen Rohm

September 16, 2019
By Julie Strickland

After graduating from Springmont's Middle School in 2014, Owen attended The Paideia School for high school and is now a sophomore in Georgia Tech's Industrial Design program. Recently he returned to campus to talk to Primary students as part of his research for designing a teaching toy for 4-5-year-olds. Owen says, 

"If I had to attribute my entire personality and life philosophy to any three things they would be as follows: the love and affection of my parents, my time at Springmont, and my brother destroying every LEGO I owned when I was five. Keep an eye out for my biography to really learn the effect of each of these, but suffice it to say that Springmont instilled, or at the very least made very strong, within me a love of learning, an ability to think creatively, and a strong sense of self-discipline, which often goes overlooked as part of a Montessori education." 

We look forward to seeing many of our alumni on campus at the Alumni Brunch after the Montessori Mile!  Interested in attending?  Email Lauren Stevenson!

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