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Meet Wendy Sandvi

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Wendy graduated from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor with a major in psychology and a minor in linguistics and attended Tufts Dental School, graduating with a DMD degree. Wendy also met her husband, Chris, at Tufts, and they spent the following year in Flagstaff, AZ, doing an AEGD (advanced education in general dentistry), working for the Indian Health Service (IHS) treating the Navajo Nation before moving back to Atlanta.

Wendy learned about Montessori from her sister, who sent her two children to a Montessori school and shared her knowledge about Montessori education's powerful impact.

The Sandi family includes a rescued hound dog named Molly and 8 chickens that enjoy wandering their yard together.  Wendy loves being outside and active but baking is also a favorite hobby.  Wendy and her family are actively involved at Temple Sinai where Wendy is the chair of the youth and family committee.

Fun Facts:  Wendy could eat Mexican food for every meal and used to figure skate in high school! She still wears those same skates!